Why St. John Regional Catholic School?
Serving Students in Grades PreK-3 through 8th Grade
As the first truly modern Catholic school in Frederick County, our expert teachers, teaching assistants, and staff seamlessly integrate wholly new facilities, cutting-edge classroom technology, and innovative pedagogies with the values and traditions of the Catholic faith. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about who we are. We hope you will visit us soon. We welcome students of all backgrounds and faiths. Attend an Open House, come for a school tour, or join us at one of our family events and see….
St. John Regional Catholic School
Quick Links for Parents including the School Store, My School Bucks, and School Admin.
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Information for…

An abundance of resources. Find everything you need to keep current with what’s going on at our elementary school.

Stay connected to your classroom with information regarding classes, schedules, homework, and projects.

Faculty & Staff
Access your Google account to provide your students with the most up-to-date information for class on your teacher site, log in for attendance and check your Gmail.

We would like to keep in touch with you. Please update and send your current information including name, address, and email address.
St. John Regional Catholic School: By the Numbers
Average Student Teacher Ratio in Math & ELA Classes
Years of Excellence in Catholic Tradition
Current Students
Student Diversity
School News
SJRCS Day of Giving
Day of Giving Mark Your Calendars! Next Wednesday, February 26th we are celebrating or Annual Day of Giving! Your generous donation will help us continue sharing God's love through our school and in the community. You can support our school in 3 easy ways! 1. By...
Upcoming Events
In the Spotlight

Inquire or Apply today!
We invite you to visit our campus in Frederick and witness firsthand how we embody the ideals of academics and faith. Discover what sets us apart as a pillar of excellence in our community. Inquire or schedule a tour today!

The Heart & Soul of SJRCS
Providing a quality education rooted in academic success and character development. For over 194 years, a Catholic Education has been provided in Frederick County! Learn more here.

Financial Aid
Applications Now Open!
Financial aid opportunities are now open at St. John Regional Catholic School, providing families with the chance to access affordable education. Contact the admissions office for more information.