How to Apply at St. John Regional Catholic School
St. John Regional Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability or handicap, or protected activity (e.g., opposition to prohibited discrimination, or participation in the complaint process).

Admissions Process
Step 1: Complete and submit an application for your child.
Step 2: Application Checklist
If you did not see a checklist of items to be completed, please log back into your account to finish the application process.
Step 3: We will contact you to schedule a day/time for your child’s assessment (all grades) and interview (grades 5-8).
Step 4: Application Review
After we receive the required checklist items, your child’s application will be reviewed by the Principal.
Step 5: Enrollment Checklist
After the Application Checklist is completed, you will receive an email from the Admissions Director, Please complete the enrollment checklist, which is the final step in the admissions process.
Step 6: Enrollment forms are reviewed and considered for your child’s placement.
Step 7: Notification letter is sent to parents.
Admissions Policy
Each year, in anticipation of all current students re-enrolling, space will be reserved for our students first. During re-enrollment, siblings of current students and siblings of alumnus may also register. The re-enrollment deadline is strictly followed and families who do not re-enroll by the deadline will be placed on a waiting list. Priority will be given to applicants in the following categories in the order listed.
1. Siblings of current students and siblings of alumni.
2. Children and grandchildren of alumni.
3. Catholic students whose families are registered parishioners in good standing from one of the regional Catholic parishes (St. John the Evangelist, St. Peter the Apostle, St. Timothy, St. Ignatius, St. Joseph-on-Carrollton Manor, Holy Family, St. Katharine Drexel, St. Francis/St. Mary, and the Ft. Detrick Catholic community). Date of enrollment in parish and parish support is considered.
4. Children from other parishes.
5. Children of other faiths.
Admission Requirements
Pre-Kindergarten Admissions
1. Pre-K 3 students must be 3 years old by September 1st of the enrollment year.
2. Pre-K 4 students must be 4 years old by September 1st of the enrollment year.
3. Admission priority is given to students in the order summarized above.
4. Must be able to use the restroom independently and without adult assistance by the start of the school year. Students are not permitted to wear pull-ups to school.
Kindergarten Admissions
1. Must be 5 years old by September 1st of the enrollment year.
2. Admission priority is given to students in the order summarized above.
Grades 1-8 Admissions
1. Must have successfully completed the previous grade
2. Admission priority is given to students in the order summarized above
3. Successful completion of the assessment test administered by SJRCS personnel.
4. Interview as scheduled by school administration for incoming students for grades 5-8.
5. Recommendation forms from a Math teacher and a Language Arts teacher completed and submitted to the SJRCS Admissions Office.
6. Birth and baptismal certificates.
7. Completed all items on the application and enrollment checklists.
Waiting List and Refunds
1. The application fee is non-refundable.
2. If your child is on a waiting list, the application fee may be applied to the subsequent school year.
St. John Regional Catholic School offers quality education to all who seek it. However, some students may need special assistance with academic needs. SJRCS personnel will discuss your child’s specific learning needs with you.
Children of all faiths are welcome at St. John Regional Catholic School. Acceptance of students in order of the previous categories is not automatic and all applicants are required to follow the admissions process in its entirely.
Please contact our Admissions Director, Mrs. Christine Bean at 301-662-6722 or email for more information.
Ready to Explore St. John Regional Catholic School?
Located in Frederick, Maryland, St. John Regional Catholic School is a private Catholic school for students in preschool through Eighth Grade. To learn more about our school and the admissions process for the upcoming school year, we encourage you to contact our Admissions Office.