Student Services at St. John Regional School
Our reading and math resource teachers work on specific skills development with individuals and small groups of students as designated by the classroom teacher.
School Counselor
St. John Regional Catholic School is fortunate to have a full-time school counselor on staff who assists students who are in need of educational support. She serves as the liaison between Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) and St. John’s regarding educational testing. Our counselor conducts meetings with individual students; as well as group meetings. The Counselor also works with whole classes of students on topics such as friendship, study skills, and organizational skills. Our school counselor also works closely with parents as they apply for scholarship opportunities for their children.
Our school counselor helps with the testing of new students and assists with their transition to a new school. She is also the moderator for our school safety patrols.
School Nurse
St. John Regional Catholic School has a fully furnished health suite overseen by a full-time registered nurse who provides first aid for our students throughout the day.
The nurse is on hand to administer prescribed medications as needed. The school nurse schedules and facilitates vision and hearing testing with the Frederick County Health Department. She arranges annual visits from area dentists who speak to our primary grade students about dental health, and on a variety of topics from healthy eating to personal hygiene.
Keeping Your Child Safe
The faculty, staff, and administrators of St. John Regional Catholic School help to ensure a safe school environment for all students. All classes up to grade 3 have a teacher and teaching assistant. In grades 4-8, there is a teaching assistant assigned to each grade level.
All school personnel must successfully complete a background check and submit fingerprints to Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS). Additionally, all faculty and staff members, as well as school volunteers, must be VIRTUS certified. VIRTUS Training is mandatory training for all those wishing to work in ministry with youth and children. This process ensures the safety, protection, and care of minors and is an Archdiocesan requirement for anyone interacting with children in the Church, professionally or voluntarily.
Fire drills are practiced monthly and fire evacuation procedures are displayed in all classrooms. Emergency procedures, aligned with Archdiocesan policies, are clearly articulated to all staff members.
In the event of an emergency school closing, SJRCS uses the SWIFT K-12 communication system as an emergency notification system. We also use the school website, as well as social media as a means of communication.
Professional Development School Partnership With Mount St. Mary’s University
A Professional Development School (PDS) is a collaboratively planned and implemented partnership for the academic and clinical preparation of teacher candidates and the continuous professional development of both school system and institution of higher education faculty. The focus of a PDS partnership is improved student performance through research-based teaching and learning.
The university enjoys a long-standing PDS partnership with elementary, middle, and high schools in Frederick County, MD. It is possible, but not mandatory, that early field experiences take place in one of the PDS sites. However, the standards for Maryland PDSs hold that all teacher candidates are provided equitable access to an extensive internship (at least 100 consecutive days) in a PDS. The Mount’s field placement coordinator, working in concert with the PDS coordinator and building principals, arranges internship placements in PDSs.
A mentor teacher and university supervisor support candidates’ professional development toward meeting the Mount’s benchmarks. Upon graduation, students are expected to demonstrate standards-based teaching that is measured through evaluation of teaching performance and portfolio assessment. The department uses the standards of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) for evaluating student performance. Teacher candidates are also expected to demonstrate the personal dispositions that relate to successful teaching.

What does PBIS stand for?
What Is PBIS?
PBIS is a framework or approach for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students. PBIS IS NOT a packaged curriculum, scripted intervention, or manualized strategy. PBIS IS a prevention-oriented way for school personnel to:
- organize evidence-based practices,
- improve their implementation of those practices, and
- maximize academic and social behavior outcomes for students.
PBIS supports the success of ALL students.
What are PBIS "systems"?
PBIS emphasizes the establishment of organizational supports or systems that give school personnel capacity to use effective interventions accurately and successfully at the school, district, and state levels. These supports include:
- team-based leadership
- data-based decision-making
- continuous monitoring of student behavior
- regular universal screening
- effective on-going professional development
What does PBIS have to do with school discipline and classroom management?
Effective classroom management and preventive school discipline are essential for supporting teaching and learning. PBIS goes further by emphasizing that classroom management and preventive school discipline must be integrated and working together with effective academic instruction in a positive and safe school climate to maximize success for all students.
PBIS Gold Award at St. John Regional Catholic School
Through PBIS, students at St. John Regional Catholic School are recognized daily by teachers and staff for exemplary behavior. Wildcat Cards are earned by students when they exhibit behaviors in line with the school-wide expectations illustrated below. In addition, teachers can nominate students for a St. Francis Award, based on the school-wide expectations, which is given out at our monthly First Friday Masses.
SJRCS has obtained the highest level of PBIS Maryland . The PBIS Maryland Gold Recognition Award is only awarded to those schools who demonstrate sustainability for the systems, practices, and data utilization for school-wide PBIS and can demonstrate that their implementation has had positive effects on both their discipline and achievement data for at least two years.

Ready to Explore St. John Regional Catholic School?
Located in Frederick, Maryland, St. John Regional Catholic School is a private Catholic school for students in preschool through Eighth Grade. To learn more about our school and the admissions process for the upcoming school year, we encourage you to contact our Admissions Office.