Endowment and Planned Giving
Make a GiftPlanned Giving for St. John Regional Catholic School
A planned gift will provide a current or deferred income to St. John Regional Catholic School. We invite you to consider making a positive impact on the lives of our students by making a planned gift to St. John’s. Your gift is a specific way to express gratitude to God for a lifetime of blessings.
Type of Planned Gifts
Gifts of Appreciated Stocks or Bonds
Securities held longer than 12 months and transferred to the school, allows the donor to save taxes twice through charitable deduction and the avoidance of capital gain taxes.
The following Deferred Gifts provide an income tax deduction and lifetime income for the owner:
Charitable Lead Trust
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Provides income to St. John’s as the beneficiary or one of several beneficiaries based upon annual valuation of the trust’s assets
Charitable Gift Annuity
The income paid to St. John’s as a beneficiary is a fixed dollar amount annually and the donor receives a guaranteed income for life.
Ready to Explore St. John Regional Catholic School?
Located in Frederick, Maryland, St. John Regional Catholic School is a private Catholic school for students in preschool through Eighth Grade. To learn more about our school and the admissions process for the upcoming school year, we encourage you to contact our Admissions Office.