Wildcat Aftercare at St. John Regional Catholic School
Wildcat Aftercare is provided on the school premises and is licensed by the Maryland State Department of Education’s Office of Child Care for children ages 3-15 years old. Aftercare hours are during school days, 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. for Pre-K through 8th grade students enrolled at St. John’s. The program provides your child with enrichment activities, arts and crafts, outdoor time, homework time, and a snack.
Aftercare Registration Forms
For registration forms please contact the front office at (301) 662-6722

Ready to Explore St. John Regional Catholic School?
Located in Frederick, Maryland, St. John Regional Catholic School is a private Catholic school for students in preschool through Eighth Grade. To learn more about our school and the admissions process for the upcoming school year, we encourage you to contact our Admissions Office.